Because we all know that, from December 2019 ignou will conduct exam of Fst 01, Bshf 101 and Bevae 181 in mcq type questions.
Also, There will be no negative marking for Bshf 101 mcq questions.
As a result, Here are the Bshf 101 mcq questions that can come in the upcoming ignou June 2020 exam. (I just write only Mcq questions and their direct answers without options)

Want to see latest bshf 101 question paper of 9 december 2019 ? link at bottom of this page
- What is Sociology? – study of society
- what is the new avatar of fascism? – Neo fascist
- Man of old stone age knows only – No control over nature
- what is the other name of paleolithic period? – Old stone Age
- what is the other name of Neolithic age? – New stone age
- In which Age Wheel was discovered?- In Bronze age
- When was Iron used in India? – Around 1000 B.C
- In which age, Man got ability to control high temperature? – Bronze age
- Which method is used for getting food at Old stone age? – from hunting
- Man knows Metallurgy first time in – bronze Age
- The Bronze tools were made from? – Mixture of tin and copper
- When wheel and wind power is used for first time? – In Bronze Age
- During Iron Age, iron was used for?- Making Plough shares
- Study of universe called? – cosmology
Also see: Fst 01 Mcq questions
- What is Palaeon tology? – Science that deals with life on earth in earlier times as known from the study of fossils.
- The Meaning of Renaissance? – Re-birth
- A system of thought holding man to the ethical, giving dignity to man is called? – Humanism
- When vasco-da-gama discovered India?- Between 1497-98
- The Vasco da gama was from?- Portugual
- Who discovered Africa? – bartholomew Diaz
- When Bartholo mew diaz sailed to eastern coast of africa? – 1487-88
- What is capitalism?- an economic system of production of commodities for profit
- Who formulated the Drain theory? – Nationalists
- What is De Industrilisation means? – Decline in Industry
Also see: IGNOU Admission January 2020- Last Date, Eligibility criteria, Procedure etc ( Admissions are now open)
- When Battle of Plassey held ? – 1757
- In london, who founded the East India Asso ciation & when? – Dada bhai Naroji, in 1866
- When Indian Congress formed in India? – 1885
- How many delegates attended Ist meeting of Congress? – 72 Delegates
- Who quote ” Swaraj is my Birth right and i will have it” – Bal gangadhar Tilak
- Swa deshi Movement started as a reaction of what & when? – Bengal Partition, 1905
- When Gandhiji Arrived from south africa to India? – 9 January 1915
- When Simon Commis sion appointed ? – 8 November 1927
- When Congress announced Quit India Movement? – 8 August 1942
- The Literacy rate of india in 1951? – 16.6%
- Ascribed Status Means? – Status that people are born into
- Achieved Status Means? – Status which acquired by an individual & not given on birth
Note: I will update this post with more bshf 101 mcq questions, So you can daily check this post for more new Mcq ignou questions.
- How many types of family? – Two types of family are Nuclear and Extended Family
- The Total Functions of family are – Socialization, Emotional security and economic functions
- All rules of Governing Marriage are – Incest Taboo, Endogramy, Exogamy
- What is Polygamy? – A type of marriage, in which there are more than one spouse
- Name the type of marriage in which woman have several husbands ? – Polyandry
- How many types of marriages are there? – two types
- When Juvenile Justice Act launched? -1986
- The Per centage of Differently abled peroson in india according to 2001 census? – 2%
- When Govern. of India act launched by british? – 1935
- Acc. to census 2001, Population of ST? – 8.6%
- The Movement of people into or out of an area- Migration
- The Drafting Committee was chaired by- Dr.B.R Ambedkar
- In which Amend ment, right to property being a legal right? – 44th Amend ment
Today, I write 14 more Mcq questions on this post
- The Total strength of constitution assembly before partition was ? – 381
- When Constitution Day is celebrated? – 26 November
- When Panchayati Raj Act was Passed in? – 1957
- The Chipko Movement was led by? – Sunder lal Bahuguna
- The 73rd Amend ment is related to the ? – Panchayati raj
- When was National emer gency imposed on the india? – 1975
- The Constitution assembly was headed by the? – Dr.Rajendra prasad
- Which committe was working in 1949 on DNTs? – Antrolikar committe
- When RTI Act passed by Parliament – 11 May, 2005
- The Full form of GDP- Gross Domestic Product
- When was First Five Year (FYP) Plan introduced – 1951
- The Indian Economy Mixed or Open? – Indian economy is a Mixed Economy
- When Rowlatt Act passed by British government? – 1919
- During Ist & 2nd five years plan, highest priority given to? – Industry & Agriculture
- The 3rd FYP gave priority to which sector? – Power
- An economy that maintains economic relations with rest of the world called? – Open Economic.
- The Things that comes under literature? – Poetry, fiction, drama, criticism.
- The Ajanta caves belongs from which period? – Sata vahana Period.
- What is natwari dance? – Kathak dance is also known as natwari dance.
- The three funda mental constituents of music are? -swara, taal and raag.
- The lyrics used in this dance seems to be in fluenced very largely by jaidev’s Gita-govinda? – Katha kali
- When world environ ment Day celebrated? – 5 june
Also see: IGNOU PGDCA Course 2021 session- Admission, Eligibility, Syllabus, Fee structure, programme details
- What are the types of Environ ment? – There are two types of eviron ment -biotic and Abiotic
- What is Adaptation? – The Process by which human beings adjust to a situation
- What is Ana chronistic? – That which is severely out of date
- The Marsilius of Padua belongs to which country? – He was an Italian scholar
Today’s New bshf 101 mcq questions – 25 November 2019 (76-81)
- What is Blas phemy? – Act of insulting / sacred objects
- What is Non fascism? – Opposition to fascist ideo logies, groups and individuals.
- When did iron age commence ?-Around 1200 B.C
- What do you mean by abstraction ? – The process of formation of ideas, or quality of things by seperating it mentally form any particular material object.
- Who wrote the book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres and when ? – Nicolaus Coper nicus in 1543
- When and where the copper was discovered for the first time ? – Around 9000 B.C in Iraq
New Mcq Questions-25 November 2019 ( 82-92)
- Who was the first person to success fully circum navigate the world and when ? – Magellan in 1519 – 22
- Who was the first euro pean to sail around the southern most tip of Africa and when ? – Bartolo meu Dias in 1488
- What is Abso lutism ? – A govern. in which ruler has absolute power.
- What do you mean by Heretic ? – The Holding belief opposed to church, especially by its members
- What do you mean by Scho lasticism ? – A system of thought based on Aristo telian logic
- What is Tithe ? – The one tenth of annual produce from land paid as contribution to church
- When and Which war weak the US Economy ? – Vietnam war in 1960s and 70s.
- Which term is also called Umbrella term ? – Literature is an umbrella term for poetry, fiction, drama, critism.
- Which Form is the oldest form of literature ? – Poetry is the oldest form of literature
- The Name of Some major English Critic? – T S Eliot and samuel Jhonson
- The Name of some major Hindi Critic ? – Ram chandra shukla and Hazari Prasad Dwivedi
Today’s MCQ Questions of Bshf 101 – 28 November 2019
- What is tragedy ? – A play that ends sadly.
- What is Epic ? – A very long poem on large scale touching upon a whole race’s history on some cosmic issue.
- What is Lyric ? – A poetic com position capable of being set to music.
- What is Rhythm ? – The regular beat is called rhythm.
- The author of Paradise Lost ? – Milton
- The Tulsi das, Kabir, and surdas were ? – Bhakti Poet
- Who is the author of Divine Comedy ? – Dante
- What is satire ? – A critical form of theatre in which critique is achieved through humour, wit and ridicule.
- What is mean by the Term Character Actors ? – The actors who play a short role in a film like villains, relatives or comics role.
- Who is the author of Abhig yan Shakun talam ? – Kalidasa
Today’s Bshf 101 questions – 29 November 2019
- Where are the earliest paintings have been found in India ? – Mostly found in Primitive Caves and rock shelters.
- The promi nent sites where the earliest paintings have been fond in India ? –
- Singan pur in raigarh of central India
- Mirza pur and bandra in uttar pradesh
- Larimur hills in Baghel khand
- Mahedeo Hills of Vindh yan range in Bundel Khand
- Bellary in South.
- When & from which cave the earliest historical paintings in india came? – In 2nd century A.D, sata vahana period from Ajanta caves.
- What kind of scenes are depicted in Early paintings ? –
- The Scenes related to life of buddha
- His previous life, Comprising the jatakas and ava danas
- Also floral and animal motifs carefully created.
- These paintings show the worship of bodhi tree, sama jataka, and chha danta jataka.
- What are the colors mostly used in Ajanta cave paintings ? – Red ochre, Yellow ochre, lamp black, Lapis-Lazuli, white.
- What is Tempera ? – A process of painting in which pigment are mixed with size, casein, egg, specially egg yolk to produce a dull finish.
- What are the name of some major painters with their paintings
- V.s Gai tonde – Abstracts
- Shabbir Husain- optical qualities
- Bimal Das gupta – Modalities
- Manu Parekh- Re combined Forms
- M.F Husain & Ram Kumar – Earthly
- Bhupen khakhar – Curious reality
- Gulam Sheikh- Colour Sen sitive
- Rajeev Lochan- A peep into the Past
Few More Mcq Questions
- What is Jatakas ? – Stories and legends about the life of buddha.
- What is Abs tracts ? – A term that encom passed various contem porary non realistic schools.
- Who started the culture of Mughal Paintings in India ? – khwaja Abdus samad of shiraz.
- When was the first rock paintings found in India ? – In 1867 & 1868.
- When did Abanindra nath Tagore born ? – 7th August 1871
- Who was the first painter in India? – Abanindra nath Tagore nephew of rabindra nath tagore.
These are the Final Bshf 101 Mcq Questions – 30 november 2019
- Define The art of pianting ? – The art of painting is the expression of ideas and emotions with creation of certain aes thetic qualities in two dimen sional visual language.
- Which three movements helped india to get Indepen dence ? –
- Non co-operation and khilafat move ment.
- Civil dis obedience Movement.
- Quit India Movement.
- The name of some leading news papers that gave rise to national movement ? – Amrit bazaar patrika, Indian mirror, Kesari, Mahratta etc.
- When was the first political asso ciation of india formed ? – During 1837.
- Under whose leader ship, Indian National Congress formed ? – A.O Hume, W.c banerjee etc.
- The sultan of Turkey was regarded as ? – Khalifa.
- The Khilafat Move ment was led by ? – Mohd Ali and shaukat Ali.
- Where was first meeting launch for Non co operation movement ? – Nagpur.
- The Non co operation move ment aban doned with an act of violence in ? – chauri-chaura.
- When Congress protested against simon commis sion ? – During 1929.
- When Civil Dis obedience Move ment launched by Mahatma Gandhi ? – During 1930.
- When Quit india movement launched by Congress ? – During 1942.
- Name the some Revolu tionary Nationalists ? – Chandra Shekhar Azad, Ram prasad Bismil, Bhagat Singh, Raj guru, Sukh dev.
Also, These Mcq ques tions are just few questions. So for proper pre paration, you have to study the ignou books of bshf 101 thoroughly.
- The three Famous Peasent Movement ? -Champaran, Santhal and Rheda Movement.
- The worker Move ment were against of ? – High prices and low wages.
- Define Racism ? – Discri mination on the basis of colour of skin.
- What do you mean by Plura lism ? – This means Variety of cultures and people live toge ther.
- The name of the first book printed in the world and when? – The Guten berg’s Bible in 1456.
Fresh New Bshf 101 Mcq Questions – 17 March 2020
- The study which help in under standing future patterns known as ? – Futuristic Studies.
- Name the two types of classical dance forms of india ? – Bharat natyam, and second is kathak.
- Who emphasised on Knowledge rather than propaganda ? – Naom Chomsky.
- Which type of Musical instruments are used in bharat natyam dance ? – Mridan gam, Veena, Violin and naga swaram.
- Who stated Society as Social Systems ? – Sir Anthony Gidden.
- Which type of musical instruments are used in kathak dance ? – Ghungaru, harmo nium, bansuri, sitar, sarangi, and sarod.
- What are the two important ingredients of knowledge ? – Objectivity and uniformity.
- Bharat natyam dance form is originated from ? – It is south Indian dance form, originated in Tamil nadu.
- What are De-notified tribes ? – Also known as Vimukta jati, and that are originally listed under criminal tribes act of 1871, as criminal tribes and “addicted to systematic commission of non bailable offences”.
- Define Autocratic Regimes ? – The repressive government under the dictatorship of an individual.
- What type of tools used in Paleo lithic age or old stone age ? – Rough Chipped flint.
- In which age, tools were in the form of stone axes ? – New stone age / Neo lithic age.
- Achieve ments of Bronze age ? -first human to melt and fuse copper, Metal use for tool making, discovery of wheel, artificial water ways came into existence.
- Who pionts out iron democratised agriculture, industry and warfare ? – Gorden Childe.
- In which age, Text like Vedas and Upanishads were written ? – Bronze age.
- Achieve ment of New Stone age / Neo lithic Age? – Starts Cultivating land (production of grains), use of pottery, spinning wool.
Also read: Bevae 181 Mcq questions (multiple choice questions)
- The Bronze Tools were made from ? – (alloy) mixture of copper and tin (9 part copper and 1 part tin).
- The person who studies evolution of man is known as ? – Anthro pologist.
- In which age, people used to breed animals ? – New Stone Age.
- Two Important Aspects of Inte raction with nature ? – Simply adaptation of nature and second is ability to dominate nature.
- The First use of wheel and wind power in ? – Bronze age.
- What is Adaptation ? – The process of adjust ment with nature.
- Define Anti quarian ? – Person who deals with antique.
New fresh Bshf Mcq questions ( 28 April 2020)
- Coper nicus made important break through by pointing that earth rotates on its own axis, this theory finally confirmed by ? – Galileo.
- What are the two important develop ments which shaped the modern world ? – Re formation and Renaissance.
- During medieval time, how many sacra ments were accepted by the church ? – Seven Sacraments ( confirmation, penance, eucharist, marriage, ordination, extreme uniction and baptism).
- Which movements gave rise to the nationa lism ? – renaissance and refor mation.
- Who made the first translation of Bible in English ? – Wycliffee.
- Who started the Protestant Revolution and when ? – Martin Luther in 1517 germany to challenge mal practices by the church.
- When was most states of europe ruled by feudal lords ? – In 13th century.
- The Famous book which provide complete details on the anatomy of human body ? – De Humani Corpons Fabrica.
- What are the things in 1960s and 70s, that weakend the U.S economy ? -Rise of oil prices, recovery of economy of japan and europe, rise of nationa lism in the third world countries.
- What strategies adopted by U.S for balance their Economy ? –
- Rapid growth in service sector.
- Free trade zones
- Manu facturing some goods in other countries due to cheap labour.
- Anti union policies.
- Gave Impor tance to invest ment in goods produc tion to finance real state and insurance.
Bshf 101 Mcq question – Updated on 2 May 2020
- Define Mono polistic ? – The control of Capital resources by an Individual.
- Define Foreign Capital ? – The Money acquired from outside the nation or we can say from foreign.
- What is Drain of wealth ? – Also known as drain theory states that significant part of India’s wealth was being exported to the england.
- The Main characteristics of Pre Colonical Economy ? – Agriculture, Trade and Industries.
- When was Queen Victoria attained control over the Indian sub continent ? – In 1858.
- Till 1913 india remained a major importer of ? – Cotton goods from england because of De-industra lisation.
- Who observed that De -industra lisation led to decline dacca, surat and murshi dabad ? – Sir Charles Trevlyn.
- When British started investing capital in India ? – By 1857.
- The Free trade without any govern ment restrictions is known as ? – Laissez Faire.
- The land revenue policy known as Permanent settle ment introduced by ? – Lord Corn vallis in 1793 in Bihar, orissa and bengal.
- The Land revenue policy, Rayotwari system introuced by ? – Sir Thomas Munroe in madras (1920).
- What was Commercia lisation of agriculture ? – The production of goods for the market, this rule is initiated by the britishers.
- In Pre-Colonial india, india was famous for ? – Silk and manu factured silk, sugar, jute, cotton etc. on large scale.
- Kashmir during Pre colonial Period famous for ? – Woollen Clothes.
- The Commercia lisation of agriculture increases the production of ? – Opium, Jute, Cotton, Indigo and so on.
I will try for more Bshf 101 multiple choice questions so daily check this post for more mcq ques tions.
You can also see the fst 01 mcq questions, link is just below the 14 question of this post.
Latest IGNOU Bshf 101 question paper of 9 December 2019
IGNOU MA History Syllabus 2024
IGNOU Question Papers June/ December 2009-2019 (Previous Year Question Papers)
IGNOU Courses List (Updated List) IGNOU Admission Status 2024
IGNOU Re Admission Fees, Procedure, Form and Last Date
IGNOU BA Economics Syllabus 2024 Semester Wise
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This all qtns and ans. R correct. For Jan 2019 session
thanks for visiting the bshf 101 mcq questions page and yes All answers whcih are on this post are correct.
Which book is best for mcqs of bshf 101
neeraj or gullybaba, these two publication are good but i am not sure that mcq based bshf book is available in market or not because as you know mcq based question paper are just started from december 2019.
I want to that what will be examination pattern of BSHF 101 which will be held on October 15. Will it be subjective or objective type/MCQ typ on OMR sheet.
mcq brother
Give me more MCQ QUESTIONS
i am trying hard for updating more bshf 101 mcq questions so you can check this post daily for new mcq questions.
thanx for visting on this website.
Please upload more important stuff soon
ok bro i am trying my best
Kuch din se new question upload nhi horhe hai aap or question upload kijiye na please
Aaj maine add kare hai kuch questions kuch hours pehle and raat tak kuch or bhi karunga
Very nice mcq
thanx for the comment
please update whole bshf 101 full block related questions…
Thank you very much from inner core of my heart for these McQ it’s a great help. You are inspiration to all humans thanks again.
it will be very help full if you load in day one or two.. exams are declared on december first week…
ok i will upload
Sir please bshf 101 ka Hindi medium bhii upload kijiye
Sir please bshf 101 ka Hindi medium bhii upload kijiye
Hindi medium me bhi upload krdo
Sir thank you, very helpful the question you uploaded.
Sit it’s very much useful. Please update more as early as possible.
Thank you
I am trying my hard
very helpful to us.thank you sir
Sir please upload new questions.. these questions were very useful.. we are waiting for you questions please upload it
Sir please update more questions
Sir please update more questions
I was worried how to study for MCQs… You made is easy.. thank you soo muchhh. Appreciation for your efforts.
thank you so much for your comment but these are just few questions. For best preparation,also read the bshf 101 book.
All the best for your exam.
Sir good afternoon, please update more mcq bshf101.
Thank you very musch sir please update more questions.
Thank you sir you are doing a great job.
Thank you so much sir for uploading and updating us for the Examination new pattern which is really helpful for us.
I request more questions please upload sir
Pls give more objective type questions sir… pls help… i am begging plss help
Sir can you please update some more possible questions that might come for December 19 attempt?
Bhai Please Jo aap bta rhe ho ki MCQ type question ayenge yr apko kaha se pta lga mujhe confirm krna hai official website pe nhi mil tha link dedo me dekh saku official website pr plsss 🙏 on this link, you can see the notice.
Thankyou so much buddy this helps a lot’s if someone has read the books properly 🙏🙏❤🙏🙏
please upload more questions soon as the exam is near.
Kya ya MCQ ka answer option ma raha ha ya hum logo ko direct answer likhna para ga ………
4 option ayenge, usmai se tick karna hoga sahi option
i read and learn all the mcqs how much i can score in exam from these mcqs
these are just few mcq questions, there is no guaranty that these will come in exam. But i am praying that maximum questions come from these mcq questions
Sir Tomorrow is my BHSF paper so if possible then please upload more of this question and answer
Thank you 🙏
Sir soft copy bhej do
My question is ignou januray season 2020 mcq both of include bshf 101 qusetion?
Thankue sir
Thank you for helping us. It’s really helpful.. I sincerely appreciate your hard work
happy to help you mam
Good job #admin
Pllese update more of others subject tooo
Thanks for updating
Nice job sir thank u so much
thank you very much sir.It really very helpful to us.
Thank u sir, for such a great guide
Thank you so much for this post. It’s really helpful and all the questions are really good.
But sir, will you be updating this post for more questions?? If so, then it would be really helpful.
i will upload new question as soon as possible
I want to that what will be examination pattern of BSHF 101 which will be held on October 15. Will it be subjective or objective type/MCQ typ on OMR sheet.
Please reply as soon as possible.
Pattern will be mcq base for bshf 101
Is it enough if we study these for exam
Sir can you upload ts-01 MCQ pattern questions answere
Sir can you upload ts-01 MCQ pattern questions and answers
sir can you upload bshf101 Mcq pattern question answer
I want these questions in hindi
Sir I m from hindi medium I need all mcq of bahut 101 in hindi
any latest updated MCQs for the upcoming BSHF-101 exam (2nd March 2021) ?
Is there any pdf of all these questions?
Try not to change the language. Stick to the grammar and structure of the original questions.
सर 2021 में जो BSHF 101 का परीक्षा हुआ था उसका आप प्रश्न उत्तर इस पर कब दालीएगा?