We all know that ignou announce that the university will conduct the exam of Bevae 181 based on multiple choice questions (Mcq).
You can see the notice of this information in ignou online examination form 2020 website.
Where ignou clearly mention that –

Bevae 181 is a new course recently introduced by ignou. There is no previous year question Paper for this course.
Therefore, in this post we will see the Bevae 181 Mcq questions which can come in your June exams 2020.
Important Note: These are Just Practice questions and there is no guaranty that these questions will come 100 % in the exam. But you can learn these questions beacause these mcq questions are made by ignou syllabus of Bevae 181 course. For 100% preparation, also read your ignou book.
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So, Let’s start our Bevae 181 Mcq questions
- What is Environment ? – Environ ment means simply Our Surrounding.
- What are the factors of Environ ment ? – biotic factors like Plants, animals, Human beings etc. and also abiotic factors like water, soil, air etc.
- Define Atmosphere ? – Air that surrounds the earth.
- Define Litho sphere ? – The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
- Define Hydrosphere ? – All the water on the earth, for example – ocean, lakes, ponds etc.
- What is Bio sphere ? – Interaction between all the organisms on earth with soil, water and air. Bio sphere is also known as life layer and Eco sphere.
- What are the components of Environ ment ?
- Atmosphere
- Hydro sphere
- Lithosphere
- Bio sphere
Read : Fst 01 Mcq Questions (multiple choice questions)
- Define Sustainability ? – The Ability to be maintained at certain rate or level.
- The three Principles or Components of Sustaina bility ? – Environ ment, Economy and Social Equity are the three pillars/Components of Sustaina bility.
- In which year, the Stock holm Conference held ? – In 1972 at stockholm (capital of sweden).
- The declaration made by the Stock holm Conference ? – They adopted the declaration on human environ ment and declaration principles.
- The Full form of UNESCO ? – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi zation.
- In which year, UNESCO formed ? – 16 November 1945.
- In which year, United nation (UN) formed ? – 24 october 1945 after WWII.
- In 1980s, we were aware of ? – Ozone layer destruction and Green house effect ?
- The Environ mental movement grew strongly in britain ? – Because of the Industrial revolution.
- When was “Our Common Future” report published ? – In 1987, a report from World comission on environ ment and develop ment (also known as Brundt land Comission).
Also Read : Bshf 101 MCQ Questions with Answers
- When the idea of sustaina bility develop ment became wide spread ? -with the 1987 publication of Our Common future.
- The Brundt land Report defined sustainable develop ment as ? – “develop ment that meets the needs of the present without compro mising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
- The Earlier Groups that began popping up all over england during environ mentalism movement ?
- Natural beauty or The national trust for places of historic interest.
- The society for the protection of birds.
- Why Environ mental Education so important ? – Because protecting the environ ment is the respon sibility of every individual.
- Silent spring book was so influential for the environ ment movement as it leads ? – banned of DDT in 1972 and also creation of Environ mental Protection Agency in 1970.
- The book named as Silent Spring was written by ? – American Biologist Rachel carson in 1962.
- Which book exposed the dangerous effects of DDT pesticide ? – Silent Spring.
- When was CEE (centre for environ ment education ) established ? – In 1984 August India, to promote the environ mental aware ness across the india.
Read: IGNOU BCA Syllabus 2020 Semester wise, Fees and duration
- Define EcoSystem ? – Interaction of Biological/biotic components (producer & Consumers) and Physical environ ment/abiotic components makes an eco system.
- Types of Consumers ? – Primary consumer, Secondary consumer and tertiary consumers.
- Difference between Scavengers And De composers ?
- Scavengers help break down or reduce organic material into smaller pieces.
- These smaller pieces are then eaten by de composers.
- The Surface Area of ocean that has enough light to support photosynthesis ? – Euphotic Zone (mainly contain phyto plankton)
- Area of ocean where light not reached ? – Aphotic zone (deep ocean).
- What is Energy Flow in an Eco system ? – About 10 per cent on an average of net energy production at one trophic level is passed on to the next level.

- Different Type of Produc tivity in an Eco system?
- Primary (gross primary and net primary produc tivity)
- Secondary Produc tivity
- Net produc tivity.
- Types of Pyramids ?
- Pyramid of biomass (upright or can be inverted )
- Pyramid of Numbers
- and Pyramid of energy
- What is food Chain ? – the energy flow of organisms in sequence way. Example – grass -grass hopper-frog-snake-eagle.
Also Read: IGNOU MCA Syllabus 2020 Semester Wise in Detail, Fees and Duration
- What is Food Web ? – Food chain inter linked with different paths make food web.
- What are the Types of food Chain ?
- Grazing food chain
- Detritus food chain
- and parasitic food chain.
- What is Bio Magnification ? -Non bio degradable pollutants in food chain. Example – pesticides. (high in top trophic level).
- What is Biome ? – A region of earth with certain climate and living things. Example – desert, grass land, forest etc.
- The eco system changes and develops over time gradually ? – known as Ecological Succession.
- What are the Two Types of ecological succession ? – Primary and second is secondary succession.
I will post many more bevae 181 mcq questions, so you can check this post daily for the new questions.
You can also read these Post –
- The IGNOU PGDCA Course session- Admission, Eligibility, Syllabus, Fee structure, programme details
- IGNOU Question Papers June/ December (Previous Year Question Papers)
- IGNOU BAG Syllabus Semester Wise
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- Latest IGNOU Bshf 101 question paper December 2019 (with answers)
- IGNOU BA Economics Syllabus Semester Wise
- IGNOU Re Admission Fees, Procedure, Form and Last Date
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i want to fst 01 bshf 101 objective question answer in ful cources.
Mcq for fst 01 ?
Fst 01 mcq are available on this website.
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