IGNOU BAG Syllabus 2024 Semester Wise, Fee, Duration in Detail

In this Post, you will get the latest Ignou Bag Syllabus 2024. The Full form of BAG is Bachelor of Arts General. This Post will also be helpful for the ignou students at the time of Re registration.

From June 2019, Ignou introduces Semester system and Choice based credit system (CBCS) and from June 2019, BA is Called BAG.

The syllabus of BAG is totally different from the previous syllabus of BA.

But still, many people search Ignou BA syllabus instead of ignou BAG syllabus – (Only for CBCS Student)

Know, IGNOU provides 2 types of Programmes. First is Bachelor of Arts General (BAG) Programmes and Second is Bachelor of Arts Honours Programme. The syllabus for both these programmes is different. But in this post, we will only discuss the BAG Programme syllabus in detail. For Syllabus of BA Honours Programme, See link at bottom of this post.

First of all, We will get to inform you about the IGNOU BAG Fee Structure, and Duration.

IGNOU Bag Course Duration 2024

The Minimum Duration of BAG is 3 years and Maximum duration is 6 years. You can get admission for BAG Course in Both January session as well as in July session.

Fee Structure of BAG Programme 2024

  • Total Fees for BAG is Rs 9,000 and you have to pay it yearly @ Rs 3,300 per Year.
  • The Learners who are opting B.A. Psychology courses with Practicum component are required to pay an extra fee of Rs.600/- each in the first and second years.
latest ignou bag syllabus
IGNOU BAG Syllabus 2024

IGNOU BAG Syllabus 2024 in Detail

Note: There is Credit system in Ignou. So for passing your IGNOU BAG Degree, you have to complete 132 Credits in six semester with 22 credits per semester.

A learner can choose any two disciplines from the thirteen disciplines for completing BAG programme.

The IGNOU offers Bachelor of Arts Degree in following Disciplines:
1) Anthropology
2) Economics
3) History
4) Political science
5) Psychology
6) Public administration
7) Sociology
8) Mathematics
9) Hindi
10) Urdu
11) English, and
12) Sanskrit
13) Education

Once the two disciplines are chosen in the first semester, he/she has to take Core Courses and Discipline Specific Elective Courses from those two Disciplines ONLY in all the subsequent semesters.

The 132 credits of the pro gramme have to be earned by completing
the following categories of courses and also the lists of courses from different Disciplines available under each of the five categories :
a) Core Courses(CC)
b) Discipline Specific Electives (DSE)
c) Ability Enhance ment Compulsory Courses (AECC)
d) Skill Enhance ment Courses (SEC)
e) Generic Electives (GE)

(a) Core Courses (CC)

IGNOU BAG Anthropology Syllabus 2024

Course CodeTitle of the CourseCredits
BANC 131Anthro pology and Research Methods06
BANC 132Fundamentals of Biological Anthro pology06
BANC 133Fundamentals of Social and Cultural Anthro pology06
BANC 134Fundamentals of Archaeological Anthro pology06

IGNOU BAG Economics Syllabus

BECC 131Principles of Micro economics-I06
BECC 132Principles of Micro economics-II06
BECC 133Principles of Micro economics-I06
BECC 134Principles of Micro economics-II06

History Syllabus of BAG

BHIC 131 History of India from the Earliest Times upto c. 300 CE06
BHIC 132 History of India from c.300 to 120606
BHIC 133 History of India from c.1206 to 170706
BHIC 134 History of India from c. 1707 to 195006

IGNOU BAG Political Science Syllabus

BPSC 131Introduction to Political Theory06
BPSC 132Indian Government and Politics06
BPSC 133Comparative Government and Politics06
BPSC 134Introduction to International Relations06

IGNOU BAG Psychology Syllabus

BPCC 131Foundations of Psychology06
BPCC 132Introduction to Social Psychology06
BPCC 133Psychological Disorders06
BPCC 134Statistical Methods and Psychological Research06

Public Administration Syllabus of BAG Programme

BPAC 131Perspectives on Public Adminis tration06
BPAC 132Administrative Thinkers06
BPAC 133Administrative system at Union Level06
BPAC 134Adminis trative system at State and District Levels06

IGNOU BAG Sociology Syllabus

BSOC 131Introduction to Sociology06
BSOC 132Sociology of India06
BSOC 133Sociological Theories06
BSOC 134Methods of Sociological Enquiry06

IGNOU BAG Hindi Syllabus

BHDC 131 Hindi Sahitya ka Itihaas6
BHDC 132 Madhyakalin Hindi Kavita6
BHDC 133 Adhunik Hindi Kavita6
BHDC 134 Hindi Gaday Sahitya6
BHDLA 135 Hindi Bhasha: Vividh Prayog6
BHDLA 136 Hindi Bhasha: Lekhan Koshal6
BHDLA 137 Hindi Bhasha: Sanpresh Koshal6
BHDLA 138 Hindi Bhasha: Vividh Vidhay6

Urdu Syllabus of BAG

BUDC 131Study of Prose & Poetic Form in Urdu6
BUDC 131Study of Urdu Classical Ghazal6
BUDC 131Origin & Develop ment of Urdu Language6
BUDC 131Study of Urdu Nazm6
BUDLA 131Study of Modern Urdu Prose & Poetry6

IGNOU BAG English Syllabus

BEGC 131Individual & Society6
BEGC 132Selections From Indian Writing: Cultural Diversity6
BEGC 133British Literature6
BEGC 134Reading The Novel6
BEGLA 135English In Daily Life6
BEGLA 136English At The Work Place6
BEGLA 137Language Through Literature6
BEGLA 138Reading And Speaking Skills6

Sanskrit Syllabus of BAG

BSKC 131Sanskrit Paday Sahitya6
BSKC 131Sanskrit Gaday Sahitya6
BSKC 131Sanskrit Natak6
BSKC 131Sanskrit Viyakaran6
BSKLA 131Sanskrit Sahitya Aivam Viyakaran6

IGNOU Malyalam Syllabus

BMYLA 135 Modern Indian Language: Malayalam 6

IGNOU BAG Mathematics Syllabus

BMTC 131Calculus6
BMTC 131Differential Equations6
BMTC 131Real Analysis6
BMTC 131Algebra6

Education Syllabus of BAG Programme

BESC 131Education: Concept, Nature and Perspective6
BESC 131Structure and Manage ment of Education6
BESC 131Curriculum, Teaching-Learning and Assessment6
BESC 131Education as a Practice6

(b) Discipline Specific Electives (DSE)

IGNOU BAG Anthropology Syllabus 2024

Course CodeTitle of the CourseCredits
BANE 145Applied Anthropology6
BANE 146Anthro pology of Indigenous People6

BAG Economics Syllabus

BECE 145Indian Economy – I6
BECE 146Indian Economy – II6

IGNOU BAG History Syllabus

BHIE 141History of China : C. 1840-19786
BHIE 142History of Modern East Asia : Japan (1868-1945)6
BHIE 143History of Environ ment6
BHIE 144Traditions of History Writing in India6
BHIE 145Some aspects of European History : C. 1789 – 19456

IGNOU BAG Political Science Syllabus

BPSE 141Gandhi and the Contemporary World6
BPSE 142India’s Foreign Policy in a Changing World6
BPSE 143State Politics in India6
BPSE 144Introduction to South Asia6
BPSE 145Democracy and Develop ment in Northeast India6
BPSE 146Conflict Resolution and Peace building6

BAG Psychology Syllabus

BPCE 145Counselling Psychology6
BPCE 146Industrial/ Organisational Psychology6

IGNOU BAG Public Administration Syllabus

BPAE 141Right to Information6
BPAE 142Organisational Behaviour6
BPAE 143Administrative System in BRICS6
BPAE 144Social Policies and Adminis tration6

IGNOU BAG Sociology Syllabus

BSOE 145Religion and Society6
BSOE 146Marriage, Family and Kinship6
BSOE 148Social Stratification6

BAG Hindi Syllabus

BHDE 141 Asmata Mulak Vimshas Aur Hindi Sahitya6
BHDE 142 Rashtriya Kavyadhara6
BHDE 143 Premchand6
BHDE 144 Chayawaad6
BHDE 145 Kabir6
BHDE 146 Chayadottar Hindi Kavita6

Urdu Syllabus for BAG

BUDE 141Study of Poet Mirza Ghalib6
BUDE 142Study of Prose Writer Meer Amman Dehlawi6

IGNOU BAG English Syllabus

BEGE 141Under standing Prose6
BEGE 142Under standing Drama6
BEGE 143Under standing Poetry6
BEGE 145Soft Skills6

Sanskrit Syllabus of BAG

BSKE 141 Ayurved Ke Mool adhaar6
BSKE 142 Rangmanch Aur Natya kala6

IGNOU BAG Mathematics Syllabus

BMTE 141Linear Algebra6
BMTE 144Numerical Analysis6

IGNOU BAG Education Syllabus

BESE 141ICT in Education6
BESE 141Lifelong Learning6

(c) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)

Course CodeTitle of CourseCredits
BEVAE 181Environ mental Studies 4
BEGAE 182English Communication Skills4
BHDAE 182 Hindi Bhasha and Sanspreshan4

(d) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)

IGNOU BAG Anthropology Syllabus

Course CodeTitle of CourseCredits
BANS 183Tourism Anthro pology4
BANS 184Public Health and Epide miology4

IGNOU BAG Economics Syllabus

Course CodeTitle of CourseCredits
BECS 184Data Analysis4

BAG Psychology Syllabus

BPCS 184School Psychology4
BPCS 185Developing Emotional Competence4
BPCS 186Managing Stress4
BPCS 187Managing Human Resources4
BPCS 188Application of Social Psychology4

IGNOU BAG Public Administration Syllabus

BPAS 184Logistics Manage ment4
BPAS 186Stress and Time Manage ment4

Sociology Syllabus of BAG

BSOS 184 Techniques of Ethnographic Film Making4
BSOS 185 Society through the Visual4

Hindi Syllabus of BAG

BHDS 183 Anuwad Sidhhant Aur Pravidhi4
BHDS 184Radio Lekhan4
BHDS 185Television Lekhan4
BHDS 186Samachar Sankhalan Aur Lekhan4

IGNOU BAG English Syllabus

BEGS 183 Writing And Study Skills4
BEGS 185English Language Teaching4
BEGS 186Business Communication4

(e) Generic Electives

IGNOU BAG Gender and Development Syllabus 2024

Course Code Title Of CourseCredit
BGDG 172Gender Sensitization: Society and Culture6

IGNOU BAG Psychology Syllabus

BPCG 171 General Psychology6
BPCG 172Youth, Gender and Identity6
BPCG 173Psychology for Health and Well-being6
BPCG 175Psychology and Media6
BPCG 176Psychology for Living6
BPCG 177 Psychology of Gender6

Public Administration Syllabus of BAG Programme

BPAG 171 Disaster Management6
BPAG 172 Governance: Issues and Challenges6
BPAG 173E-Governance6
BPAG 174Sustainable Develop ment6

IGNOU BAG Sociology Syllabus

BSOG 171Indian Society: Images and Realities6
BSOG 173Rethinking Develop ment6
BSOG 176Economy and Society6

IGNOU BAG Hindi Syllabus

BHDG 173Samachar Patra Aur Feature Lekhan6
BHDG 173Sarjnatmak Lekhan ke Vividh Chetra Padhaya6

English Syllabus of BAG

BEGG 171Media and Communication Skills6
BEGG 171Language and Linguistics6
BEGG 171Academic Writing & Composition6
BEGG 171Creative Writing6

IGNOU BAG Social Sciences Syllabus

BABG 171Under standing Ambedkar6

IGNOU BAG Course Syllabus 2024 Semester Wise

Important Points:

  • Total Credits in Bachelor’s Degree Programme is 132 and which is divided into 6 Semesters i.e 22 Credits in Each Semester.
  • In each semester, Students have to choose 4 courses in all from different categories of courses.
  • You can see credits of each courses from Above information.

Know, We will see the Detail Semester Wise Syllabus of IGNOU BAG in a tabular Form.

You can also Use this table for selecting subjects during the time of Re registration.

SemesterCore CoursesDiscipline
IAny One:
Any two from

BANC 131
BECC 131
BHIC 131
BPCC 131*
BPSC 131
BPAC 131
BSOC 131
BEGC 131
BHDC 131
BUDC 131
BSKC 131
BMTC 131**
BESC 131
NoneBEVAE 181NoneNone
IIAny One:
Repeat the
same two

BANC 132
BECC 132
BHIC 132
BPCC 132
BPSC 132
BPAC 132
BSOC 132
BEGC 132
BHDC 132
BUDC 132
BSKC 132
BMTC 132
BESC 132
NoneAny one:
BEGAE 182 or
IIIAny one:
Repeat the
same two

BANC 133
BECC 133
BHIC 133
BPCC 133
BPSC 133
BPAC 133
BSOC 133
BEGC 133
BHDC 133
BUDC 133
BSKC 133
BMTC 133
BESC 133
NoneNoneAny one
of these

BANS 183
BPCS 185
BEGS 183
BHDS 183
IVAny one:
Repeat the same two disciplines:
BANC 134
BECC 134
BHIC 134
BPCC 134
BPSC 134
BPAC 134
BSOC 134
BEGC 134
BHDC 134
BULC 134
BSKC 134
BMTC 134
BESC 134
NoneNoneAny one of these:
BANS 184
BECS 184
BPAS 184
BPCS 184
BPCS 186
BSOS 184
BHDS 184
VNoneRepeat the
same two
Choose one
from each

BANE 145

BECE 145

BHIE 141
BHIE 143
BHIE 145

Public Admin
BPAE 141
BPAE 143

BPCE 145

Pol Science
BPSE 141
BPSE 143
BPSE 145

BSOE 141
BSOE 143
BSOE 145

BEGE 141
BEGE 143
BEGE 145

BHDE 141
BHDE 143
BHDE 145

BUDE 141

BSKE 141

BMTE 141

BESE 141
NoneAny one
of these:

BPCS 187
BSOS 185
BEGS 185
BHDS 185
Any one
of these:

BEGG 171
BEGG 173
BHDG 173
BPAG 171
BPAG 173
BPCG 171
BPCG 173
BPCG 175
BSOG 171
BSOG 173
BABG 171
VINoneRepeat the
same two

Choose one
from each

BANE 146

BECE 146

BHIE 142
BHIE 144

Public Admin
BPAE 142
BPAE 144

BPCE 146

Pol Science
BPSE 142
BPSE 144
BPSE 146

BSOE 142
BSOE 144
BSOE 146
BSOE 148

BEGE 142

BHDE 142
BHDE 144
BHDE 146

BUDE 142

BSKE 142

BMTE 144

BESE 142
NoneAny one
of these:

BPAS 186
BPCS 188
BEGS 186
BHDS 186
Any one
of these:

BGDG 172
BEGG 172
BHDG 174
BEGG 174
BPAG 172
BPAG 174
BPCG 172
BPCG 174
BPCG 176
BSOG 176
Total6×12=726×4=244x 2=84×4=166×2=12

In this Table, I + II semester means Ignou bag Ist year Syllabus, III + IV semester means II year syllabus and V+VI semester means III year syllabus.

  • *All Core courses of Psychology will either have a practicum component worth 2 credits (4 Credits Theory and 2 Credits Practicals)
    or tutorials worth 2 credits (4 Credits theory and 2 Credits tutorial). Wherever there is a practical, there will be no tutorial and
  • ** Mathematics as a subject at 10+2 level is required for opting for courses from Mathematics discipline.

Also Read:

Many Students searching for ignou ba syllabus, ignou ba english syllabus, ignou ba history syllabus, ignou syllabus for ba but ignou change the whole syllabus for BA/BSC/BCOM from June 2019 and BA is know BAG, BSC is BSCG and BCOM is BCOMG.

So guys, this is the ignou syllabus for bag 2024, if you have any query, so please comment.


    1. BCOS 183 is a course of BCOMG not BAG.
      And it is also a course of B.A (Voc) Tourism Management Programme but this programme is not under the BAG Programme.

    2. Sir mere course 8 aa rahe ye year ke hai inka paper ek sath hoga ja 4,4 kr ke or inki fees alag alag barni pardegi kya or mene oct ma form bara july seision ka toh abi paper or assignment kb ho gaye .

      1. Agar apne june sessiom mai admission liya hai yearly program mai to apko march 2021 mai assignment jama karna hoga and exam form bharna hoga ist year ke sabhi exams ke liye apko ek saath. Exam form june 2021 exam se 2-3 mahine pehle nikal jate hai. To apko ignou ke har update ko yaad rakhna chahiye. Ignou ke naye updates ke liye aap ignou helpdesk youtube channel subscribe kar le.

        1. Hi Sir,
          I have filled online application for BAG admission for yesterday only i.e. 06/09/2022 but I have not yet received proper communication/confirmation regarding the same. I have chosen English and Education subjects for my BAG courses. Could you please help me understand the number of exams I have write and syllabus for above.

          1. I registered in BAG program, in 3rd year one of the subject is BCOS 185 which is subject of BCOM program why?

      2. सर मैंने BAG प्रोग्राम में जनवरी में फॉर्म भरा था जिसका exam फार्म दिसम्बर में भरा था 8 सब्जेक्ट भरे थे जिसकी फीस टोटल 2900+1200 रुपये पड़ी थी । BAG कोर्स semester by है या yearly है और अभी july में फिर रजिस्ट्रेशन हो रहे है क्या फिर से इतनी ही फ़ीस भरनी पडेगी जितनी पिछली बार पड़ी थी

        1. BAG programme filhal yearly wise hi hai. Aage chal kar semester wise exam ho sakte hai lekin abhi yearly wise hi exam ho rahe hai. Ignou mai jab bhi exam hote hai to usse kuch mahine pehle re registration form nikalta hai. Jisse bharna compulosry hai sabhi ke liye , iss form ko next year mai jane ke liye bharna hota hai. Sirf Ignou hi ek aisi university hai jismai exam dene se pehle hi re registration form bharna hota hai. Jab aap ignou ka re registration form bharenge to apko fees likhi huyi nazar ayegi. ( Ignou nai dubara se fees bada di hai july 2021 mai, but shayad apko fees utni hi deni hogi, jitni apne admission ke samay bhari thi i hope so).

          1. Sir मेरा January 2020 में Session me एडमिशन कराए थे BAG Programme me total 8 Subjects । Sir तो क्या BAG Programme वालो को सरकारी नौकरी में फॉर्म भरने का allow है या नहीं । जो नौकरी ग्रेजुएशन लेवल की होती है जैसे SSC CGL, बिहार दरोगा etc..please sir clear my doubt.

            1. BAG means bachelor of arts general jo ki ek graduation programme hai. Aap sarkari exam ke liye apply kar sakte hai ignou ki degree se.

      3. Sir main BAG cource, Hindi medium me kar raha hu. BEGAE 182 ek
        English subject Liya hai. Lekin mujhe english nahi ho para hai. Iss subject ka assignment marks bhi update hua hai, kya mai subject change karne par dubara assignment Dena padega kya

  1. I had taken BAG (english) with politics and english. So my first semester Subjects would be BPSC 131,BEGLA 135,BEVAE 181,BEGC 131?
    and in semester 5 and 6 there are no core courses?
    also how do i find my skill enhancment course?
    and after each semester do i have to register again for 2nd semester?

    1. In this post, You can simply see the semester wise table and choose your courses very easily without any confusion. Just read the table carefully. I hope you got the point. Still If any query please ask.

  2. total how many assignments should be submitted in first year? like mene july 2020 sessionn mei admissison liya so july 2021 ke exams likhne ke liye kitne assigments submit krna hai?

    1. jitne apke ist year mai subjects hai unmai se jitne subjects ke exams apko dene hai to un sabhi ke assignment apko submit karne hote hai. Agar aap chahe to un subjects ke assignment bhi submit kar sakte hai first year ke jinke apko exams nahi dene hai.

  3. Sir mere pass ist year me urdu thi lekin ab jab me 2nd year ka fome fil kr rhi hu to urdu subject nahi mil pa rha ap vajha bta sakte hai kya ayesa kyu ho rha hai

    1. har program mai course ke alag alag credits hote hai. To ho sakta hai ki apke program ke urdu subject ke credits pure ho gaye ho. Waise aap iss post mai jo semester wise syllabus diya hai waha asani se check kar sakti hai sabhi courses ko bag ke.

  4. Sir ab IGNOU k Sare program semester wise ho gye hai kya??
    Maine BAG me addmission liya to semester 1 semester 2 likha hua hai?
    Semester wise ko assignment kb submit Krna hoga?
    Mera January2021 session hai.

  5. At the time of filling the Re-registration form for BAG 2nd year, I had chosen BCOS 183 along with another 7 courses. Now I am coming to know that it’s not a BAG course, and I am unable to apply for the Term End Exam in June 2021 (for BCOS 183)! I’m helpless! What to do now?

  6. Sir maine BAG programme me BCOS 183 subject lia tha or uska assignment bhi submit kia but exam form fill krte time usme bpcc131p show kr rha not bcos 183 to ab kya kre rest sare subject shi hai.please suggest something

  7. Sir maine 1st year me bhi 8 subject le liya or 2nd me bhi now 3rd ka Kya kru bhut confusion hai sir pls help ..

    1. please check table also on this post, then you can easily choose your subjects. I hope it will help you.

  8. Sir I’m not able to select my subject for BAG course and 15th July is last date for 2021 season. there is lots of confusion happening with me while subject selection. can you please share anyone Ph# who can guide me to resolve my issue. it would be very helpful if I get any solution from your end.

    1. Just see the table at the last of this post where you will see the semester wise course which you have to select. Here semester 1 and semester 2 is equal to Ist year. If still you don’t understand the things then reply me, i will do something.

  9. Hi.. I have a doubt.. I am actually planning to take BAG English… So if I choose Psychology as my 2nd discipline, will I need to do practical (psychology)?
    Please clarify..

    1. there can be practicum component or tutorial, wherever there is practical , there will be no tutorial and vice versa.

  10. Is there any project also included in BAG, apart from assignments, every year? Also is it necessary to visit study centre and complete attendance as well? And are there any practical subjects too for which attendance is necessary to be completed.

  11. Sir mene IGNOU me BAG course m July 2021 mein admission liya h, sir mere total 6 semester h, kya har semester ke alg alg exam honge mtlb ki ek year mein 2 baar exam…?
    And sir mereko admission liye hue 1 month hogya h, ignou ki taraf se mujhe confirmation ka mail bhi aa chuka hai, but jab m apna registeration status check krta hu to uspr dikhata hai ki not registered yet….Aesa kyu sir…?

  12. dear sir ,

    Mene July 2021 mei BAG english and education mei admission liya , aur mere admission details mei semester per year likha hei , to mera exam kab hoga and assignments mujhe kab submit karna hoga

  13. Sir
    Thank you so much very valuable information. I have taken admission in BAG Jan 2020 session and have also cleared my 1 and 2 semester exam and preparing for 3-4 th sem, but out of 8 assignment I have submitted for 1-2 semester I have been awareded 6 marks in one subject rest all are above 70, what should I do may be it’s error at system end. Kindly advise sir

    1. 6 marks means fail. For assignments marks issue you cannot raise any question. Once its on record , it can’t be change. But may be it can be error too from ignou side. For this wait for some new assignment updates. If your marks will remain same after some updates then you have to submit your assignment again.

  14. Sir mene July 2019 me bag me admission liya he subject code pta he but unke papers download ke liye paper code kese pta kre help me

  15. sir mene july 2021 m admission liya h jisme sem-1 and sem-2 h, mujhe 8 subjects mile h. mujhe ye jan na h ki ky mujhe sem-1 me 8 subjects k assiments bana ne padenge ya 4 subjects k, jo compalsary subjects h pls. sir reply dijiye. sir bhut tension m hu. rply dijiye.

  16. Dear sir, mein january 2022 may BAG 2022 program may admission liya hai. Aap plz yeh bata dey ki yeh semester wise exam honey hai yaa yearly wise, or meine 8 subject choice ker rukhey hai too yeh 8 subject ek hi semester may hongey yaa hal half means 4-4 kerke exam hongey or inki assignment kub submit kerne hai yeh bhe kiya 8 ekdum submit kerne hai yaa half half kerke. haa or exam kun hongey or exam kaa form kub fill kerna hai.

  17. Sir, I Selected BCOS 186(Personal Selling and Salesmanship) in BAG 6th Semester And In Your Annexure. This Subject is not mention. Will I face any problem next? Please CLear.

  18. Sir how do I buy ignou BAG first sem books are they delivered to my house how do I order them ? And when do I get it. Where should I order them from. And sir what books sir there names. I have taken history and anthropology sir

  19. Sir maine January 2022 me BAG me admission liya hai. Sir kya isme semester wise exam hoga ya year wise. Assignment October 2022 tak jama karna hai. Aur iska re registration form kab bhara jayega. Sir assignments ka koi format hai ya name enrollment number aur subject code likhkar submit karna hai.

    1. Hi, I am absolutely new to IGNOU, I have taken admission for BAG ( English and Education as my subjects). Would you please help me get the details of it.

  20. Maine july 2019 mai admission liya tha BAG physhology and sociology. isme kon kon se subject k practical hote hai..? Mera av tk ek v practical nhi hua hai aur yea mera last year ka exam v chal rha h 22 july 2022 se.

  21. BAG program me koi practical exam b h kya sir
    Mne ye select kiye h inme se kisi me practical h ya nhi BHIC134.BPSC133.BEGLA137.BHDS184.BPSC134.BHIC133.BHDLA138..

  22. Sir BA me 2015 me admission liya tha
    Meri examination validity 2021 me khatm ho gyi h or 2 Supply pending h because official commitment
    Abi kya kru
    Plz guide me sir

  23. Hello me BAG KI student hu…mere first year me BEVAE191 subject tha jiska exam sirf 50 mark ka tha to uska practical hoga na?? Mujhe mail aaya tha but vo Miss ho gaya isliye first year me koi practical nahi Diya ab second year ke liye bhi practical ka mujhe mail aaya tha again vo bhi Miss ho gaya mera and I don’t know kis subject ka practical hoga , because Maine sare books me check Kiya Hain kahi par bhi practical ki details nahi Diya Gaya Hain. BPSC183, BPCS186 psychology ke subjects Hain mere aur BSOC133,BSIC134 sociology ke subjects Hain mere ,ab main kya karu 2nd year ke exams bhi start ho gaye he mere??

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