IGNOU MA Psychology Syllabus 2024 in Detail

You are at the right place. Here you get the latest ignou ma psychology syllabus 2024 (mapc) in detail.

There is a short form for master of arts psychology that is MAPC. You can use this post at the time admission and re registration.

In this post, we will see the ignou ma psychology fees structure, duration, eligibility and syllabus 2024 in detail.

IGNOU MA Psychology Fees Structure

  • The Total Fee for the Master of Arts Psychology (MAPC) programme is Rs 18,600.
  • The Fee is to be paid at Rs 9,300 per year.

Duration of MAPC Programme

  • You can get admission for this course in january session or in July session.
  • The Minimum duration of the MAPC programme is 2 years and the Maximum duration is 4 years.

IGNOU MA Psychology Eligibility Criteria

The student having a bachelor’s degree in any subject from a recognized university can get admission for this course.

ignou ma psychology syllabus

IGNOU MA Psychology Syllabus 2024 (MAPC)

know, you will get the latest ignou ma psychology syllabus 2024 or ignou mapc syllabus with course code, title of the course and credits.

  • Ignou MAPC programme contains total of 64 credits and credits are equally distributed in first and second year syllabus.
  • Students have to clear all the credits in order to achieve the final degree.

IGNOU MA Psychology First Year Syllabus

Candidates can See the latest ignou ma psychology first year syllabus 2024.

Course CodeCourse TitleCredits
MPC 1Cognitive Psychology, Learning and Memory04
MPC 2Life Span Psychology04
MPC 3Personality: Theories and Assessment04
MPC 4Advanced Social Psychology04
MPC 5Research Methods in Psychology04
MPC 6Statistics in Psychology04
MPCL 7Practicum in Experimental Psychology & Psychological Testing08

IGNOU MA Psychology Second Year Syllabus

  • This is the ignou mapc syllabus or ignou ma psychology second year subjects or syllabus 2024.
  • There are 3 groups in 2nd year syllabus and you have to choose only one group for the second year.
  • In the groups, there may be some course with this ** symbol. This symbol means the learners can choose either Project (MAPC 016/026/036) OR Applied Positive Psychology (MAPC 046).

Important Note: – (Choose Any One Group Only )

Group A: Clinical Psychology

Course CodeCourse TitleCredits
MPCE 11Psychopathology04
MPCE 12Psycho diagnostics04
MPCE 13Psycho therapeutic methods04
MPCE 14Practicum in Clinical Psychology06
MPCE 15Internship08
MPCE 16/46Project/Applied Positive Psychology**06

Group B: Counselling Psychology

Course CodeCourse TitleCredits
MPCE 21Counselling Psychology04
MPCE 22Assessment in Counselling and Guidance04
MPCE 23Interventions in Counselling04
MPCE 24Practicum in Counselling Psychology06
MPCE 25Internship08
MPCE 26/46Project/Applied Positive Psychology06

Group C: Industrial and Organisational Psychology

Course CodeCourse TitleCredits
MPCE 31Organisational Behaviour04
MPCE 32Human Resource Development04
MPCE 33Organisational Development04
MPCE 34Practicum in Industrial and Organisational Psychology06
MPCE 35Internship08
MPCE 36/46Project/Applied Positive Psychology**06
Total Credits ( 1st+2nd Year )64

IGNOU MA Psychology Syllabus 2024 in Detail with Blocks

  • Know, we will see the ignou ma psychology syllabus 2024 in detail with blocks.
  • Each Book has many blocks and each blocks contain many units or chapters.

IGNOU MAPC First Year Syllabus in Detail

MPC 1 : Cognitive Psychology, Learning and Memory – 4 credits

Block 1 Information Processing
Unit 1 Cognitive Psychology
Unit 2 Information Processing in Learning and Memory
Unit 3 Neuropsychological Basis of Learning and Memory
Unit 4 Models of Information Processing (All the Models)

Block 2 Intelligence and Creativity
Unit 1 Theories of Intelligence (G and S Factor and the Model of JP Das)
Unit 2 Theories of Multiple Intelligence (Guilford, Gardner and Steinberg)
Unit 3 Measurement of Intelligence
Unit 4 Creativity and Problem Solving

Block 3 Language
Unit 1 Language Acquisition (Cognitive Theory)
Unit 2 Language Processing (Comprehension and Language Expression)
Unit 3 Multilingualism and Cognition
Unit 4 Language and Speech Disorders

Block 4 Problem Solving
Unit 1 Nature of Problem Solving and Processes
Unit 2 Stages and Strategies of Problem Solving
Unit 3 Theoretical Approaches to Problem Solving
Unit 4 Impediments in Problem Solving

MPC 2 : Lifespan Psychology

Block 1 Prenatal, Infancy and Early Childhood
Unit 1 Concept of Development, Growth and Development, Life Span Perspective,
Methods of Studying Development and Characteristics of Development
Unit 2 Prenatal Development (Genetics, Environment Influence and Hazards of
Unit 3 Development During Infancy (Physical, Psychosocial, Cognitive and Linguistic)
Unit 4 Early Childhood (Physical, Psychosocial, Cognitive and Linguistic)

Block 2 Development During Early School Years (6-11)
Unit 1 Physical Development
Unit 2 Cognitive, Social, Emotional and Moral Development
Unit 3 Schooling and Development
Unit 4 Identification of Problems in School Children and Remedial Measures

Block 3 Development During Adolescence
Unit 1 Physical Changes
Unit 2 Cognitive Changes
Unit 3 Identity, Self Concept, Self Esteem, Peer Group Relationship
Unit 4 Challenges and Issues in Adolescent Development

Block 4 Adulthood and Aging
Unit 1 Physical Changes (Early Adulthood Middle Age, Old Age)
Unit 2 Cognitive Changes (Early Adulthood Middle Age, Old Age)
Unit 3 Psycho-social Changes (Early Adulthood Middle Age, Old Age)
Unit 4 Challenges and Issues in Aging Process

MPC 3 : Personality: Theories and Assessment

Block 1 Personality : Theories and Assessment
Unit 1 Definition and Concept of Personality and Personality Development
Unit 2 State/Trait Approaches to Personality
Unit 3 Assessment of Personality
Unit 4 Key Issues in Personality

Block 2 Theories of Personality I
Unit 1 Psychodynamic Theory (Including Horney and Sullivan)
Unit 2 Social Cognitive Theory of Personality (Bandura)
Unit 3 Learning Theory of Personality (Pavlov and Skinner)
Unit 4 Humanistic and Self Theory (Maslow, Rogers)

Block 3 Theories of Personality II
Unit 1 Allport
Unit 2 Cattell
Unit 3 Eysenck
Unit 4 The Big 5 Factor Model

Block 4 Assessment of Personality
Unit 1 Introduction to Assessment and Testing
Unit 2 Approaches to Personality Assessment (Self Report, Problems of Response in
Projective and Behavioural Assessment)
Unit 3 Behavioural Assessment
Unit 4 Other Measures of Personality

MPC 4 : Advanced Social Psychology

Block 1 Introduction to Social Psychology
Unit 1 Nature and Concept of Social Psychology and Social Psychology Related to other
Unit 2 Social Cognition (Attribution Theory)
Unit 3 Methods of Social Psychology (Observation, Ethnography, Correlational,
Experimental Social Psychology)
Unit 4 Current Trend in Social Psychology and Ethical Issues

Block 2 Process of Social Influence
Unit 1 The Concept of Social Influence
Unit 2 Pro Social Behaviour and Factors Contributing to Prosocial Behaviour
Unit 3 Inter-Personal Attraction
Unit 4 Aggression and Violence

Block 3 Attitude, Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination
Unit 1 Introduction to Attitude and Stereotypes
Unit 2 Formation of Attitude and Attitude Change
Unit 3 Prejudice and Discrimination
Unit 4 Social Conflicts and Resolution

Block 4 Group Dynamics
Unit 1 Introduction to Group, Formation, Types of Group
Unit 2 Group Dynamic
Unit 3 Social Identity, Crowding and Crowd Behaviour
Unit 4 Cooperation, Competition and Conflicts

MPC 5 : Research Methods

Block 1 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
Unit 1 Basic Process/Concept in Research
Unit 2 Reliability and Validity (External and Internal)
Unit 3 Variables and Constructs
Unit 4 Hypothesis Formulation and Sampling

Block 2 Types of Research
Unit 1 Survey Research
Unit 2 Ex-post Facto Research
Unit 3 Experimental Research (including Field Experiment)
Unit 4 Case Study

Block 3 Research Design
Unit 1 Experimental Design: Single Factor
Unit 2 Experimental Design: Factorial Design
Unit 3 Quasi Experimental Design
Unit 4 Other Designs (Correlational Design and Comparative Design)

Block 4 Qualitative Research in Psychology
Unit 1 Introduction Including Ethnography
Unit 2 Grounded Theory
Unit 3 Discourse Analysis (Content Narrative)
Unit 4 Reporting and Evaluating Quality Research

MPC 6 : Statistics in Psychology

Block 1 Introduction to Statistics
Unit 1 Parametric and Nonparametric Statistics
Unit 2 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Unit 3 Type I and Type II Errors
Unit 4 Setting Up The Level of Significance

Block 2 Correlation and Regression
Unit 1 Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation
Unit 2 Other Types of Correlation (including Phi-coefficient)
Unit 3 Partial and Multiple Correlation
Unit 4 Bivariate and Multiple Regression

Block 3 Normal Distribution
Unit 1 Characteristics of Normal Distribution
Unit 2 Significance of Mean Differences, Standard Error of the Mean
Unit 3 Anova (One-Way)
Unit 4 Two-Way Anova

Block 4 Nonparametric Statistics
Unit 1 Rationale
Unit 2 Mann Whitney ‘U’ Test For Two Sample Test
Unit 3 Kruskal Wallis Analysis of Variance
Unit 4 Chi Square and Kendall Rank Correlation

MPCL 7 : Practicum in Experimental Psychology and Psychological Testing

Practical 1 : Span of Attention
Practical 2 : Memory Experiments
Practical 3 : Intelligence Testing (Bhatia Battery)
Practical 4 : Personality Testing (16 PF)
Practical 5 : Test For Social Behaviour (Vineland Social Maturity Scale)
Practical 6 : Sociometry
Practical 7 : Family Pathology Scale
Practical 8 : Problem Behaviour Checklist (PBCL)

IGNOU MAPC Second Year Syllabus in Detail

Group A: Clinical Psychology

MPCE 11 : Psychopathology

Block 1 Foundations of Psychopathology
Unit 1 A Brief History of Psychopathology
Unit 2 Classification of Psychopathology DSM IV TR
Unit 3 Developmental Pathogenesis
Unit 4 Childhood Mental Disorder

Block 2 Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Other Mild Mental Disorders
Unit 1 Anxiety Disorders, Panic Disorder and Phobias
Unit 2 Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Unit 3 Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Unit 4 Somatoform Disorder and Dissociative Disorder

Block 3 Mood Disorders
Unit 1 Mild, Moderate and Major Depressive Disorder
Unit 2 Bipolar Disorder
Unit 3 Other Mood Disorders: Mood Disorder Due to General Medical Condition
Unit 4 Substance Induced Mood Disorder

Block 4 Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
Unit 1 Schizophrenia: Etiology, Neurocognitive Functioning and Interpersonal Aspects
Unit 2 Paranoid and Delusional Disorders
Unit 3 Psychotic Disorder Due to General Medical Condition
Unit 4 Substance Induced Psychotic Disorders

Block 5 Personality Disorders
Unit 1 Borderline Personality Disorder
Unit 2 Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Unit 3 Dependent and Histrionic Personality Disorder
Unit 4 Schizoid and Paranoid Personality Disorder

MPCE 12 : Psychodiagnostics

Block 1 Introduction to Psychodiagnostics
Unit 1 Introduction to Psychodiagnostics, Definition, Concept and Description
Unit 2 Methods of BehaviouralAssesment
Unit 3 Assesment in Clinical Psychology
Unit 4 Ethical Issues in Assessment

Block 2 Psychodiagnostics in Psychology
Unit 1 Objectives of Psychodiagnostics
Unit 2 Different Stages in Psychodiagnostics
Unit 3 Batteries of Test and Assesment Interview
Unit 4 Report Writing

Block 3 Tests of Cognitive Functions
Unit 1 Measures of Intelligence and Conceptual Thinking
Unit 2 The Measurement of Conceptual Thinking (The Binet Simon Intelligence Scale
and Wechsler’s Intelligence Scales)
Unit 3 Measurement of Memory and Creativity
Unit 4 Utility of Data from the Test of Cognitive Functions

Block 4 Projective Techniques in Psychodiagnostics
Unit 1 Introduction to Projective Techniques and Neuropsychological Test
Unit 2 Principles of Measurement and Projective Techniques, Current Status with
Special Reference to the Rorschach Test
Unit 3 The Thematic Apperception Test, Children’s Apperception Test
Unit 4 Personality Inventories

MPCE 13 : Psychotherapeutic Methods

Block 1 Psychological Treatment of Mental Disorders: Major Modalities
Unit 1 Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic/ Psychodynamic Therapy
Unit 2 Insight Psychotherapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy
Unit 3 Short Term Psychotherapies
Unit 4 Methods of Child Psychotherapy

Block 2 Cognitive and Behaviour Therapies
Unit 1 Behaviour Modification Techniques
Unit 2 Cognitive Behaviour Therapies (Including Rational Emotive Therapy)
Unit 3 Solution Focussed Therapies
Unit 4. Integrative and Multimodal Therapies

Block 3 Other Therapies for Psychological Interventions
Unit 1 Roger’s Client Centered Therapy
Unit 2 Family and Group Psychotherapy
Unit 3 Psychodynamic Couple Therapy
Unit 4. Psychotherapy Integration

Block 4 Psychotherapy Across Life Cycle
Unit 1 Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents
Unit 2 Psychotherapy with Adults and Middle Aged Persons
Unit 3 Psychotherapy with Older Adults
Unit 4 Psychotherapy in Terminal Illnesses (AIDS, Cancer)

MPCE 14 : Practicum in Clinical Psychology

MPCE 15 : Internship

MPCE 16/46 : Project/Applied Positive Psychology

Group B: Counselling Psychology

MPCE 21 : Counselling Psychology

Block 1 Introduction
Unit 1 Introduction to Counselling and Characteristics of a Counsellor
Unit 2 Process of Counselling
Unit 3 Theoretical Approaches to Counselling
Unit 4 Ethics in Counselling

Block 2 Counselling: Models and Approaches
Unit 1 Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Unit 2 Behavioural Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Approaches to Counselling
Unit 3 Drama and Art Therapy in Counselling
Unit 4 Other Therapies (Person Centered Counselling, Solution Focused Counselling)

Block 3 Types of Counselling
Unit 1 HIV/AIDS Counselling
Unit 2 Educational and Vocational Counselling
Unit 3 Child Protection and Child Rights Counselling
Unit 4. Addiction/Anxiety Counselling

Block 4 Counselling for Mental Disorders
Unit 1 Depression
Unit 2 Personality Disorder
Unit 3 Gender Identity Disorder
Unit 4 Eating Disorder

MPCE 22 : Assessment in Counselling and Guidance

Block 1 Introduction
Unit 1 Introduction to Assessment: Definition, Description and Differentiating between
Testing and Assessment
Unit 2 Assessment Complexities
Unit 3 The Ambience and Climate Needed for Assessment and Counseling
Unit 4 Determination of aspects to be covered in counseling

Block 2 Approaches to Assessment in Counseling
Unit 1 Interview, Case History, Testing
Unit 2 Approaches to Counselling: Psychodynamic Approach and Cognitive Approaches
Unit 3 The Person Centered Approach to Assessment and Counseling
Unit 4 The Narrative Approach to Assessment and Counseling

Block 3 Assessment in Counselling and Guidance
Unit 1 The Counselling Setting, and the Role of Counselors in Guidance and Counselling
Unit 2 Individual and Group Techniques in Counseling and Guidance
Unit 3 Counselling and Guidance for Career Planning and Decision Making
Unit 4 Multicultural Counselling and Guidance: Role of Counselors In Preventing Illness
and Promoting Positive Health

Block 4 Organising and Planning Counselling and Guidance
Unit 1 Introduction to Developing Guidance and Counselling Programme
Unit 2 Rationale and Purpose of Guidance and Counselling Programme
Unit 3 Organising and Evaluation of Guidance and Counselling Programme
Unit 4 Methods of Evaluation

MPCE 23 : Interventions in Counselling

Block 1 Psychological Intervention: Major Modalities
Unit 1 Psychoanalysis/Psychodynamic Counselling
Unit 2 Insight and Short Term Counselling
Unit 3 Interpersonal Counselling
Unit 4 Counselling Children

Block 2 Cognitive Behavioural Counselling
Unit 1 Introduction to Behaviour Modification and Cognitive Approach in Counselling
Unit 2 Application of Cognitive Therapies in Counselling
Unit 3 Cognitive Behaviour Modification (Stress Inoculation, Self-instructional, Selfmanagement, Problem Solving)
Unit 4 Solution Focussed Counselling and Integrative Counselling

Block 3 Other Counselling Interventions
Unit 1 Roger’s Client Centered Counselling
Unit 2 Psychodynamic Couple’s Counselling
Unit 3 Family and Group Counselling
Unit 4 Eclectic Counselling

Block 4 Counselling: Future Directions
Unit 1 Teaching and Training for Counselling
Unit 2 Current Status of Counselling with Special Reference to India
Unit 3 Future Direction
Unit 4 Research Findings

MPCE 24 : Practicum in Counselling Psychology

MPCE 25 : Internship

MPCE 26/46 : Project/Applied Positive Psychology

Group C: Industrial and Organizational Psychology

MPCE 31 : Organisational Behaviour

Block 1 Organisational Psychology
Unit 1 Introduction to Organisational Psychology
Unit 2 Organisational Behaviour, Definition and Importance
Unit 3 Fundamental Concepts of Organisational Behaviour
Unit 4 Different Models of OB. (Autocratic, Custodial, Supportive, Collegial, etc.)

Block 2 Personality and Attitudes in OB
Unit 1 Job Satisfaction
Unit 2 Work Motivation
Unit 3 Content Theory, Process Theory and Schedule of Reinforcement
Unit 4 Organisational Commitment

Block 3 Leadership and Team Building
Unit 1 Definition of Leadership and Importance of Team Building
Unit 2 Change Management
Unit 3 Team Management
Unit 4 Resolving Conflicts

Block 4 Learning Process and Motivation in Organisational Behaviour
Unit 1 Principles and Process of Learning
Unit 2 Behavioural Management
Unit 3 Motivation in Organisation
Unit 4 The Process of Motivation for Higher Moral and Productivity

MPCE 32 : Human Resource Development

Block 1 Human Resource Planning
Unit 1 Assessment of Human Resource in Organisation and Human resource
Unit 2 Human Resource Management
Unit 3 People Dimension in Human Resource Management and Short Term Human
Resource Planning
Unit 4 Shot-term Programmes in HR and Evaluation

Block 2 Steps in HRM (Human Resource Management)
Unit 1 Introduction to HRM, Planning and Management
Unit 2 Training and Development
Unit 3 Workforce Diversity and Multicultural Factors
Unit 4 Globalisation and Changing Economy and their Effects on HRM

Block 3 Human Resource Laws
Unit 1 Intellectual Property Rights
Unit 2 Labour Laws (Indian and International)
Unit 3 Laws Related to Workplace Violence and Harassment
Unit 4 Laws Related to Human Rights Violation

Block 4 Importance of HR Planning
Unit 1 Goals and Objectives of Human Resource Planning, Corporate Social Responsibility
Unit 2 Business Strategy and Operational Strategies (Technology and Innovation in HR)
Unit 3 Retention of Qualified and Technical Personnel (Competency Mapping and
Performance Appraisal)
Unit 4 Planning Investment in Development (Including Corporate Counselling)

MPCE 33 : Organisational Development

Block 1 Introduction
Unit 1 Definition and Introduction to Organisational Development
Unit 2 Foundations of Organisational Development
Unit 3 Conceptual Frame Work of OD
Unit 4 First Order and Second Order Change

Block 2 Assumptions, Beliefs and Values in OD
Unit 1 Participation and Empowerment
Unit 2 Teams and Teamwork
Unit 3 Parallel Learning Structures
Unit 4 A Normative Re-educative Strategy of Change

Block 3 Analysing and Managing the OD Process
Unit 1 Components of OD Process,
Unit 2 Diagnosing the System, Sub Units and Processes
Unit 3 Models for Managing Change (Including Six-box Organisational Model)
Unit 4 The Programme Evaluation Process in OD (Including Third Wave

Block 4 OD Interventions
Unit 1 Definition, Factors to be Considered, Nature and Classification of OD
Unit 2 Selection and Organising of Intervention Activities
Unit 3 Typology of Interventions Based on Target Groups.
Unit 4 Human Process Interventions: Individual, Group and Inter-group, Coaching,
Counseling, Training, Behavioural Modeling, Mentoring, Motivating etc.

MPCE 34 : Practicum in Industrial and Organisational Psychology

MPCE 35 : Internship

MPCE 36/46 : Project/ Applied Positive Psychology

IGNOU MA Psychology Syllabus 2024 Pdf

Many candidates want to get the mapc or ignou ma psychology syllabus 2024 in pdf format. But latest and updated pdf format for MAPC Programme is not available by ignou yet.

When it is available, then it will be updated as soon as possible here.

For downloading the ignou mapc syllabus 2024 in pdf format, so click the Download Button.

Also Read :


  1. If I’m choosing project for clinical psychology in MAPC 2nd year, do we’ve to submit a separate fee or any expenditure for the project. If yes, how much ?
    Please reply if anybody know.

  2. Hi, I have enroll in MAPC, now want to know how to attend classes and how to see the upcoming assignments.

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